``5`` ***LOVE FACTS***
1.iF iT's bCoz Of hEr EyeS oR heR LipS oR hEr GreAt BoDy.
-it'S noT lOve... It'S a LUST....
2.iF It'S bCoZ oF Her iNtelLiGencE Or InSiGHt aBouT lifE.
-it'S Not LovE... it'S aN ADMIRATION...
3.iF it'S BcOz sHe CriEs EvEryTiMe U tRy tO leAvE.
-it'S noT lOve... itS PITY...
4.iF it'S BcOz shE MakEs u 4Get 2 StuDy anD SleEp.
-it'S Not LovE... it'S INFATUATION...
5.LOVE - iS wHen You dOn'T KnoW wHy yoU sEem
tO Be aTtraCted tO daT PerSon...
(love has it's reason...
and that reason is UNKNOWN!)
if i know wat is 'LOVE' it's Bcoz of 'YOU'..